Thursday, January 15, 2009

Double Dog: Researchers produce first cloned canine

I think that is amazing that some scientists have figured out how to clone animals. And since dogs are the hardest animal to clone it's a huge step for scientists to be able to keep at least one alive. So far the dog seems to be pretty healthy and it didn't hurt the dog they cloned. Sometimes people need to think about cloning animals tho, sometimes they can be deformed or even have many more health problems than a regular animal. Cloning animals is a big step for the world and is very cool to. 

Friday, September 26, 2008

Real bionic woman

A girl is taking a ride on a motorcycle with her friend and the bike spins out of control and her arm is severed by a highway divider. The doctor tries to reattach her arm but it won't work. The put a prosthetic arm on her, but she wasn't able to control her arm. For a while she was depressed because she thought she would have to go the rest of her life with just one arm. She went and had nerve surgery done and one day while she was in the shower she realized that she could feel the hot water on her left hand. She began to feel things that she couldn't anymore because of the nerve surgery done.  

I think it is pretty cool that she has a prosthetic arm but can still feel thing in her left arm. I just hope that nothing like that ever happens to me. I never thought that technology would be able to help somebody this much.